International Journal of English Literature and Culture

International Journal of English Literature and Culture

Vol. 10(2), pp. 28-35, June 2022

 ISSN: 2360-7831




Digital Dichotomy Theory towards Propositional Appraisal of Technology Adoption in Nigeria


Dr. Dike Harcourt Whyte and Vitalis, Perpetua Ogechi


1&2Department of Communication and Media Studies, Faculty of Communication, Rivers State University, Nigeria.

Accepted 21 June 2022



The advancement in Information Communication Technology (ICT) brings about the debate regarding the potential of technological innovations for inequities and inequalities. Since the 20th century, when McLuhan argued that technologies help extend human capacity, technologies have been regarded as liberating and empowering. Technologies aided human manipulation of mechanical and electronic processes in the media and communication industries. This study examines the fundamental issue of Digital Dichotomy Theory towards propositional appraisal of technology adoption in Nigeria. The study interrogates how developing countries like Nigeria may, or have been left behind in the journey towards technology adoption because of poor technological infrastructure and systems. The analysis rekindles the global information order to the past, such as technology dominance, information inequality, and asymmetrical and imbalanced information flow. The study equally proposes new ways of addressing some of the challenges of technology adoption in Nigeria. The study used secondary sources to generate data, while Diffusion of Innovation and Push-ICT Theories serve the study goal. A call for the consideration of the digital divide as captured in the Digital Dichotomy Theory (DD-Theory) is proposed for understanding the inherent adoption of technology dynamics in Nigeria. The theory asserts that entities without the same predisposing factors will often significantly vary in adoption time of current experience(s). Within this context, there is a digital dichotomy that affects the adoption of technology, especially in developing countries like Nigeria.


Keywords: Adoption, Dichotomy Theory, Diffusion of Innovation, New media, Push-ICT Theory, and Technology.  


Cite This Article As: Dike, H.W., Vitalis, P.O. (2022). Digital Dichotomy Theory towards Propositional Appraisal of Technology Adoption in Nigeria. Inter. J. Eng. Lit. Cult. 10(2): 28-35